Name: Working Woman Brown
From: Revolution Brewing, Illinois, USA
Type: American Brown Ale
I've been looking forward to trying Revolution Brewing's beers for some time now. Almost all of the feedback I've heard has been "Great beer, great food". Katie and I had dinner there last night, and I sort of have mixed feelings about my experience. I'd hold off on my thoughts on the other brews, in case I make it back there this year, but the Working Woman brown was interesting, to say the least. I got it on cask - and it had a surprisingly dense and fluffy head for a cask ale, but the temperature was perfect for cellared beer, which I appreciated. I was shocked at the amount of citrus hops in the aroma and taste of this one. It reminded me much less of a brown ale and much more of a brown ipa....sort of like DFH's India Brown Ale. The bitterness wasn't very well balanced - the citrus sort of sat on top of all the other flavors, and left a long, lingering hop bitterness behind on the finish. Katie was drinking their First Anniversary ale (an India Black / American Black Ale) and the flavor profiles were VERY similar. I'd go back, but I was hoping for a little more from these guys.