Friday, June 3, 2011

Items of Interest

Once again, apologies for going ghost on my blog.

Here are the top 4 beers I had for March, April, and May.

March -
De Proefbrouwerij Les Deux Brasseurs Ale
Half Acre Daisy Cutter
Lost Abbey Red Poppy
Stillwater/Mikkeller Our Side

April -
Wychwood Brewery King Goblin
Three Floyds Alpha King
Brouwerij Giradin Black Label 1882 Gueuze
New Belgium La Terroir

May -
Three Floyds Gumballhead
Ballast Point Sculpin
Genesee Cream Ale (especially for $3.99 a six pack)
Sierra Nevada Best Bitter

The worst beers I've had in the last three months:
Hamm's Golden Draft
Leinenkugel Honey Weiss
Baltika #7
Williams Brothers Ebulum Elderberry Black Ale

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