Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Review #6 - half Acre Daisy Cutter Pale Ale

Review #6 – Half Acre Daisy Cutter Pale Ale

It’s been a while since I’ve updated my blog, but it hasn’t been due to a lack of trying new beers. I’m going to try to catch up over the next few days.

Since my last post, which was also a Half Acre beer, they’ve really picked things up over there. There’s a tasting room where you can try samples, and if they aren’t too busy they’ll take you around the brewery.

Fresh Daisy Cutter is an awesome beer. It’s light and crisp, but it has a significant hop bite. I like that it isn’t as malty as a lot of IPAs, the hops are really the forefront of the flavor, without being overpowering. Delicious!

Verdict: My favorite Chicago brewed beer to date
Verdict II: According to Wikipedia, a daisy cutter is either a fuse, a bomb, or a cricket/baseball term

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