Friday, March 4, 2011

2011 Day 58: Upland Peach Lambic

Name: Peach Lambic
From: Upland Brewing Company, Indiana, USA
Type: Lambic - Fruit

My buddy Jason has an Oscar party every year, and while I don't particularly like the Oscars, it's always a great time. This year I got a nice surprise from another partygoer - Andrew, who brought a bottle of Peach Lambic. I'd heard good things about Upland, but had never had the chance to try any of their beers. I was surprised and delighted when he poured me a generous sample. This is a fabulous's got a real tang to it, without being overwhelming, and the peaches are very present, but not at all sweet. The usual sour funky leather/cobweb/dust smells are present, and the carbonation is perfect. I really liked this one, I'd love to visit this place to stock up on this, and their other sours.

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