Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 61: New Glarus Spotted Cow

Name: Spotted Cow
From: New Glarus, Wisconsin, USA
Type: Cream Ale

Spotted Cow is the "flagship" beer for New Glarus. People love it in Chicago, and even non-beer nerds will go out of their way to pick up a case or two when they visit Wisconsin. Cream Ales are sort of a weird style...their ales, but they're often finished off with lager yeasts, and they're also made with adjuncts like corn. This beer definitely has qualities of both an ale and a lager. It has a fruitiness to it (from the yeast?), but you can also really taste the corn, which adds a sweetness to it. In some ways, it reminds me of a classy Budweiser with it's own special thing going on. Not my favorite beer from New Glarus, but it's interesting and tasty, and would be a perfect gateway beer for your friends who dislike strong flavors in IPAs or Stouts.

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