Thursday, May 14, 2009

Review #1 - Rogue Chocolate Stout

Rogue Chocolate Stout

Purchased: on sale at Binny's. I think it was $4.99 for a 22 oz. bomber

Consumed: 5/13 while playing Family Feud online and watching ABBA videos on Youtube.

I haven't had too many Rogue products. I think it's because their bottles are painted and I don't like bottling homebrew into bottles that aren't "naked". Sometimes I go to the Gold Star with my friend Ellen and drink $4 pints of Dead Guy on tap, and I've also had their Shakespeare Stout. Most of their beers usually go for about $7 for a bomber, so it was nice to see it on sale.

Poured into a Boddington's imperial pint glass, dark brown, with a thick head.

Unsurprisingly, it smells like chocolate! More specifically, it smells sweet, like milk chocolate. However, the taste really surprised me. It's much more bitter than I would have imagined. It still tastes extremely chocolaty, but it's a bittersweet or baking chocolate type taste. This is a good thing, if it tasted like it smelled it would be like drinking a mudslide. This is thick and rich, without being cloying. I could have easily put back another one of these.

It tasted a little sweeter as it warmed up, but still had a strong bitterness to it throughout.

Verdict: Very enjoyable! I couldn't afford to drink it too often but I'll keep an eye out for another sale.
Verdict II: ABBA rules

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