Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Review #4 - Boulevard Brewing Sample Pack

Last weekend I went home for Memorial Day to see some old friends, and attended both a graduation and engagement party. Of course, beer was heavily featured and I tried to focus on drinking beers down there that aren't readily available in Chicago.

Boulevard is the second most popular brewery in Missouri. When I was in college, their Unfiltered Wheat was a local favorite, especially with women and especially paired with a lemon slice. I remembered it being pretty good, so when I was picking up beer for a BBQ with my parents, I grabbed a variety 12-pack.

This included:

2 Unfiltered Wheat
2 Lunar Ale (Dark Wheat)
2 Bully Porter
2 Pale Ale
2 Single-wide IPA
2 Zon Witbier

On to the quick and hasty reviews:

The Unfiltered Wheat, Lunar Ale, and Zon all tasted pretty much the same. Yeasty, wheaty, tangy and slightly clovey. All totally unremarkable and mediocre. The Zon is a pretty strange looking beer, it's super light yellow and cloudy (it's not filtered either, and neither is the Lunar) but that was about all that was interesting about any of these. The Bully Porter and Single-wide IPA were both okay, but I'd pick other options before either of them. The Pale Ale was fine, but it tasted too much like my homebrew for me to get too excited about it. That said, it was probably my favorite one of the bunch.

All and all, I was totally disappointed. I thought there would be at least one selection in the pack that would blow me away, but these brews were all pretty dull.

The Verdict: Should have gone for the Sam Adams variety pack instead

Verdict II - The mosquitos in Missouri are no joke!

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