Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 Day 11 - Brooklyn Pennant Ale '55

Name: Pennant Ale '55
From: Brooklyn Brewing - New York, USA
Type: English Pale Ale

This is the first beer from a mixed 12-pack I picked up after work today. I've had a couple of Brooklyn beers before that didn't blow me away, so my expectations were low. So, I'm pleasantly surprised and happy to report this is fine beer. One interesting thing about it is that it tastes exactly the way it's described on the bottle. This is actually pretty rare. You'll read about a beer and it will tell you you're about to taste subtle hints of clover and thyme and melon rind and then take a drink and think "this just tastes like a beer". Not so with the '55. The Maris Otter malt gives it that classic English ale taste, and the yeast gives the smell and aroma a fruity aspect. There's almost something sour in the aftertaste but it works. This would be a great summertime beer, as it's not overwhelming at all, but still packs significant flavor. I'll definitely be picking up a six-pack or two of this come baseball season.

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