Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 Day Eight - Alexander Keith's Dark Ale

Name: Dark Ale
From: Alexander Keith's, Nova Scotia, Canada
Type: Dark English Mild Ale

My second day in Ontario was a little more interesting. I won't bore you with the details, but just allow me to say at one point in the night I was doing the Batusi with a couple of locals on a ventilation grate behind a factory before going on a late-night poutine run.

I drank more beers that night than I'd like to admit, but the best was Alexander Keith's Dark Ale. It's not quite a stout, it's closer to a dark English mild. It reminded me of draft Guinness, only without the chalky, roasty, stout taste. The pints went down way too quickly. but at 4% ABV, I was able to hang with the Canadians, who if nothing else, are seasoned drinkers.

I was surprised I liked this one so much, Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale was easily the WORST beer I had up tasted more like a hefewiezen than an IPA. But the dark ale was a winner, and I wish we had it down here, as I'd definitely order it when I was craving something full-flavored but low in booze content.

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