Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 Day Nine: Molson's Export

Name: Export
From: Molson, Ontario, Canada
Type: American Pale Ale (I guess...)

Unsurprisingly, Sunday morning I was feeling a little rough. I spent a few hours walking around Downtown London Ontario and ate a huge meal of Indian buffet, and then was ready to have my daily beer before I had to get to the airport. You don't have to walk far to find a pub in that city, so I popped into one that was showing the early NFL playoff game and looked over my options. I thought a visit to Canada should include at least one beer that everyone else seemed to be ordering. So, I got a Molson's Export, which I was surprised to find out was an ale, not a lager.

Like most of the other Canadian macros, it was over-carbonated, astringent, boozy, grainy, but ultimately not too offensive. It beats a Coors Light, that's for sure, but Molson's Export is a pretty unremarkable beverage.

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