Monday, January 24, 2011

2011 Day 22: Lagunitas Hairy Eyeball Ale

Name: Hairy Eyeball Ale
From: Lagunitas Brewing, California USA
Type: American Strong Ale

For the one or two people who have been following my year in beer to this point, you may be wondering why I'm doing this. Looking back on my notes so far, there aren't too many gushingly positive reviews I've written, and I can see how it may seem I'm not really all that into beer. At this stage in the process, I'm trying to be careful about which beers I use. I find myself ordering beers I wouldn't normally get so I can use them for beer of the day and move on. Lagunitas Hairy Eyeball is one of those beers. I like this brewery, and I hope to drink many of their offerings in my quest this year, but this one was only okay for me. It packs a powerful punch at nearly 9% abv and is tasty enough, but not awesome. I promise if you stay tuned I will eventually rave about beers I love. I'm just trying to pace myself, 365 beers is no small feat.

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