Saturday, January 29, 2011

2011 Day 29: Brouwerij Bockor N.V. Cuvee Des Jacobins Rouge

Name: Cuvee Des Jacobins Rouge
From: Brouwerj Bockor N.V. - Belgium
Type: Flanders Red Ale

I also drank this "last night" at Quenchers, but since the beer was ordered and consumed entirely after midnight, I think it's acceptable and accurate for me to use it for today (Saturday 1/29). Feeling adventurous, I gave this one a try after my excellent Jolly Pumpkin Biere De Garde (see yesterday) knowing absolutely nothing about it, except that I've seen the word "cuvee" on some sour Belgian beers. It was a deep red color, and when I smelled it, I knew I was in for something weird. The aroma was one of cherries, wood, vinegar, and musty basement. No problems there. Then I drank it, and was blown away at the massive sour assault on my taste buds. This is one brutally mouth-puckering beverage. If you can get past that, there's also some sweet cherry/plum notes as well as some wood, but the overwhelming experience is your tongue being mangled by the sourness. This one is a sipper for sure, but I liked it okay, it was certainly interesting. Looking it up today, I see that it's not bottled (only available on draft) so it was nice to try something "rare" without knowing what it was. My first Flanders Red Ale, I wouldn't mind trying some others.

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