Monday, January 24, 2011

2011 Day 23: Goose Island India Pale Ale

Name: India Pale Ale
From: Goose Island, Illinois, USA
Type: English India Pale Ale

Today I watched the Chicago Bears get their asses handed to them by the Green Bay Packers. So it goes. I thought I'd represent with a local brew, so I kicked back a few Goose Island IPAs while the Bears' Super Bowl hopes were being tread into the sloppy turf of Solider Field. It's been a while since I've had their IPA, and the rumor is Goose Island is phasing it out so they can make more Belgians and Sours. That's a damn shame, because this is a fine beverage!

It's an English-style IPA, so the hops aren't overwhelming, but they're still certainly present, and the malts are biscuity and smooth without being grainy or overwhelming. There are certainly more flavorful IPAs, but as far as nicely balanced and sessionable beers go, this is a winner. In a market oversaturated with tongue-numbing hop bombs, this is a good find.

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