Friday, January 14, 2011

2011 Day 13 New Glarus Crack'd Wheat

Name: Crack'd Wheat
From: New Glarus Brewing, Wisconsin, WI
Type: Hefeweizen

Yesterday was a strange day for beer. I had everything planned out. My girlfriend and I were going to go to the Chicago Brauhaus, eat some delicious German food, enjoy a German lager, and then come home. This is exactly what happened (I had chopped venison steak and a Steigl) but instead of coming straight home, we stopped at a local bar for a nightcap. This bar always has a pretty good beer list, but I was very surprised to see five New Glarus beers available in bottles.

For those of you who don't know, New Glarus is a small Wisconsin brewery that makes some really excellent beers, but doesn't distribute to Chicago. Like most industries, the distribution channels in Chicago are famously corrupt and shady. New Glarus decided that even though there's a huge demand here for their products, the pay-for-play politics aren't worth it, and they aren't going to deal with the crap. Long story short, you can't get it here.

But lo and behold, one of my local taverns decided to drive to Wisconsin, grab a few cases of NG products, and sell them illegally at their bar. I'm okay with this. The Crack'd Wheat I drank was delicious. A huge aroma of bananas, bubblegum, and cloves. Taste was similar, but also had a pretty aggressive shot of hops in the finish. It was extremely full-flavored without being sweet or sticky and all and all, was a very refreshing beer. Hefeweizens aren't my favorites, but this was really good and I'd buy this again if it was available in my area. I'm hoping to get back to try a few more NG beers before my local gets caught!

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