Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011 Day 45: New Glarus Raspberry Tart

Name: Raspberry Tart
From: New Glarus, Wisconsin, USA
Type: Fruit/Vegetable Beer

I broke out this treasure for Valentine's Day. New Glarus doesn't distribute here, and I got this one in a trade. This is one awesome beverage, and I think it has a wide appeal. Beer geeks will love it, but so will people more likely to enjoy a glass of wine when they feel like imbibing. I poured this one into two champagne flutes. It's a beautiful color, smells great, and tastes phenomenal. It's tart, but not too sour and has a touch of sweetness without being cloying or medicinal. The raspberry taste is full and bright, and the champagne-like carbonation makes it dance on your taste buds. This is quite simply a superb beer. If you ever see it, get it!

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