Saturday, February 26, 2011

2011 Day 55: Lakefront Organic ESB

Name: Organic ESB From: Lakefront Brewing, Wisconsin, IL Type: Extra Special Bitter (ESB)

I wasn't feeling well Thursday (or Wednesday to be honest), but I also wasn't going to let a little sickness ruin my beer a day quest. Because my nose was pretty stuffed up, I thought I'd go with something "ordinary" like an ESB. I like this style, but they're usually pretty mild and muted, which was what I wanted. Organic ESB is pretty good, certainly my favorite out of the Lakefront Beers I've tried so far. Nice and balanced, with earthy hops and a nod to the English brewing traditions. I'll have to try this one again at 100%, but I liked it, even a little under the weather.

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