Saturday, February 26, 2011

2011 Day 54: Half Acre Callow Knife

Name: Callow Knife
From: Half Acre Beer Company, Illinois, USA
Type: American Pale Ale

This is a fantastic beer. Sadly, it's limited edition and they're not even bottling it, but if you live in Chicago you should get your hands on it while it's available. Callow Knife has a ridiculously fabulous hop aroma (they used new Citra and Falconer varieties) and enough malt backbone (I was told these were Belgian malts) to balance out the taste. Hoppy, but not overwhelming, and low ABV (4.2 I think) so you can have a few of these full-flavored beers without feeling wrecked. I wish Half Acre would consider brewing this on a regular basis, it's like Daisy Cutter's sexy older cousin.

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