Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January: The month in review

The first month of my beer a day challenge went very well - as one might expect, as all opportunities are still available. I did my best to not exhaust my go-to beers but instead spent a lot of time on brews I wouldn't normally try.


Beers reviewed this month: 31
Beers reviewed so far this year: 31
Styles tried this month (per BeerAdvocate): 21
Styles tried so far this year (per BeerAdvocate): 21
States represented this month: 11
States represented so far this year: 11
Countries represented this month: 6
Countries represented this year: 6

Best Beers of the month: Bells Hopslam, Jolly Pumpkin Oro De Calabaza, New Glarus Crack'd Wheat

Beers to Avoid: Flying Monkeys Hoptical Illusion, Brooklyn Brown Ale, Pyramid Haywire Hefeweizen

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